How to Align Maintain Healthy and Happy Yoga Shoulders

Welcome to another post of drone yoga today I’m talking to you from Maui Hawaii and I want to talk about shoulders shoulders are used in so many of the poses from chaturanga x’ to handstands to downward dog. And it’s really important that we know how to align them correctly. So that we can make best use of them and keep them sustainably healthy for a long time the basic pose is taking the shoulders up and over the head and that really represents the same movement as we do in handstands and others. So let’s start with just simple standing. And then we’ll watch about what it looks like when the arms are over the head and simple standing mostly we know to take the shoulders down and away from the ears I’ll turn around for a moment. So you can see taking the shoulders down is extremely important. But when we take them too far back we create a pinching in the shoulders.

How to Align Maintain Healthy and Happy Yoga Shoulders Photo Gallery

So we want to take them down while keeping space between the shoulder blades. And then we want to take the shoulders down while keeping space between the shoulder blades down and space. So It’s not pinching back. But forward the same action applies when we take the arms over the head we take the arms up and as they come up we’re going to scoop as, if a big ball of ice cream. So the shoulder is externally rotate. And we’ll keep taking them up as we take the arms up you can see the shoulders are rotating in bringing the pinky fingers closer to each other and thus we have space between the shoulder. And the neck I’ll show you what it looks like from the back the arms start to come up there’s a rotating as they keep coming up even, if I keep taking the arms way up way up extending from my kidneys all the way up. Because of the rotation of the shoulder there is lots of space here and there is no flinching. And the shoulder pains this is the bad form and a good the bad boy. And the good one more time bringing it in this applies for downward ugh for chaturanga for a hand fan for really most of our practice try to work on keeping happy and healthy shoulders until next time namaste.

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