Ipriflavone for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome PCOS

When it comes to preventing medication-induced bone loss, ipriflavone is a supplement you might consider taking. In a double-blind study ipriflavone taken in combination with calcium prevented loss of bone density in women taking Lupron® (leuprolide).5 Research suggests that ipriflavone, taken alone or with calcium, is more effective at maintaining bone density than calcium alone. Studies show that ipri-flavone enhances the effects of calcium and vitamin D in preventing osteoporosis.

Ipriflavone is a semi-synthetic isoflavone that is manufactured from daidzein, a natural chemical found in soybeans. (If you read my chapters on menopause or heart disease, you’ll learn plenty about soy isoflavones.) Ipriflavone enhances the action of cells that build bone and inhibits the activity of cells that break down bone.

Ipriflavone for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome PCOS Photo Gallery

Based on the research showing the effectiveness of ipriflavone on preventing bone loss, you might consider looking for a calcium supplement that has added ipriflavone. Look for a supplement that contains a branded form of ipriflavone called Ostivone™, a high-quality extract of ipriflavone used in clinical research.

The standard dose is 200 milligrams three times daily taken with food. Choose a product that has other nutrients important for bone health, including calcium, vitamin D, magnesium and vitamin C. Such a supplement can replace your standard calcium pill. Brand names of calcium supplements with Ostivone™ include Rx-Bone Ostivone, Bone Renew and Bone Protector. (To learn more about the role these nutrients play in bone health read chapter 10, “Osteoporosis.”) Side effects are uncommon but may include stomach upset, diarrhea and dizziness.

Women with hormone-sensitive health conditions, such as breast, uterine and ovarian cancer, endometriosis and uterine fibroids, should seek the advice of a physician, as ipriflavone may potentiate some effects of estrogen. As with many natural health products, women with liver and kidney disease should use the supplement with caution—inform your healthcare practitioner if you start taking ipriflavone.

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