Yoga Poses In Pregnancy

Yoga The First Trimester

‘I could smell the grease on the lift door, the coffee in the pantry even before I entered the office, and the nauseating smell of the deo my colleague was wearing. Something was odd today, everything smelled, even the traffic on the street, and that little plastic over the branding of my new Michael Kors.

Yoga Poses In Pregnancy Photo Gallery

‘Shit, Google said heightened olfactory sense could be an early sign of pregnancy. I wanted to run out of my office, out on the streets where there would be no bathrooms and no scope to use a pregnancy kit. I didn’t want to jinx it but I couldn’t wait until the next morning either. “Just do it, Deepti,” said a voice inside my head, and so did Jyoti from my team. “You know, you are if you are and you are not if you are not, no one is half pregnant.” So, I went to the office loo, carrying my handbag with me. I could already smell the citrus bathroom freshener as I sat on the pot, held the kit under my vagina and forced myself to pee. Nothing. Nothing flowed. “Come on,” I coaxed myself, just a couple of drops, and there, I got two. Two drops and two bars on that test. It was positive. Should have been the happiest moment, but it was probably the most cautious moment in all my thirty-six years of life.

‘I walked out of the bathroom clutching the test kit in my hand, and at the sight of Jyoti, held it up for her to see. This woman Jyoti, who I half-hated, quarter-respected and quarter-loved was now the only person other than me who knew what was going on and I hated that. So I WhatsApped a pic of the test kit to my husband. Two blue ticks later, he replied, “Babe, these things could be wrong and you must talk to your doctor and set up an appointment for a blood test tomorrow.” Wow! Everything about getting pregnant was like suhaag raat—it doesn’t live up to its promise and almost no one knows how to respond to it at first.

‘The questions were already floating in my head, though I should have waited until the blood test. So I took out a notepad and wrote down everything I wanted to know.’

Prenatal Yoga Complete Set

Prenatal Yoga Complete Set

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