Whether you’re a complete beginner, you run on the regular or you consider yourself a marathon pro, there’s always a little extra room for improvement. Being a runner is about so much more than just hitting the pavement. You have to think about your eating habits, the kind of shoes you wear, conditioning and more. When all of the pieces of the puzzle fi t into place, your running potential will soar. We’ve spoken to the experts, who gave us their advice on what to do to take your running to the next level. Ready, set, go!
Four Of The Best Yoga Poses For Athlete
Four of the best yoga poses for athlete
1 DOWNWARD DOG From all fours, with your hands shoulder-width apart, tuck your toes under as you draw your tailbone back and up. Lengthen your spine and draw your shoulder blades down your back. Lower your front ribs toward your thighs, and extend your heels downwards.
2 PRONE PEC STRETCH Lie on your belly, legs extended, ankles together and toes pointed. Place your arms at right angles to your torso. Turn your head to the right and place your right fingertips on the floor, keeping your elbow bent. Lift your right leg, bend your knee and bring your toes to the floor behind you, twisting your torso. Take five breaths; repeat on the other side.
3 WARRIOR I Stand with feet hip-width apart. Take a large step back with your left leg and turn your left toes out. Square your hips to the front. On an exhale, bend your right knee so it’s over your right ankle. Inhale to raise both arms overhead, palms facing each other. Ground your front toes and the outside edge of your back foot.
4 RECLINING BOUND ANGLE POSE From sitting, bring the soles of your feet together, knees out to the sides. Exhale and lower your back to the floor, resting your arms 45 degrees from your sides, palms up. Imagine your pelvis and groin are sinking into the mat. To open your lungs, place a rolled blanket under your chest.