10 Best Yoga Poses To Relieve Gas Pain

If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve been having problems with your digestive system for some time. Gas pain is a common problem that many people experience, but there are ways to relieve the discomfort and discomfort caused by gas in your digestive system. This list of 10 yoga poses is the perfect way to start!


Yoga is a form of exercise that is often recommended for people who are experiencing gas pain.

There are many different yoga poses that can be used to relieve gas pain. Some of the best poses for relieving gas pain include the Child’s pose, the Downward Dog pose, and the Cat pose.

The Child’s pose is a simple pose that requires you to balance on your toes and lift your chin up towards the sky. This pose is often used to relieve tension in the neck and shoulders.

Downward Dog is a versatile pose that can be used to stretch all of the major muscles in your body. It is a great pose for relieving gas pain because it stretches your lower back, hips, and thighs.

The Cat pose is a challenging pose that requires you to arch your back and open your chest wide. This pose is great for relieving tension in your neck, shoulders, and arms.

10 Best Yoga Poses To Relieve Gas Pain Photo Gallery

Slow Down yogasanas:

If you’re experiencing gas pain, one of the first things you should do is to slow down your yoga poses. Slowing down your asanas will help to reduce the irritation and inflammation in your intestines.

Yoga pose modifications can also help to relieve gas pain. For example, try resting your hands on your lower back instead of on your shoulders. This will help to reduce tension in your neck and spine. You can also try bending each knee towards the opposite arm instead of keeping them straight.

Finally, make sure that you’re drinking plenty of water during class. Drinking water will help to flush out any toxins that may be causing your gas pains.

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Kapalbhati and Paschimottanasana

Kapalbhati and Paschimottanasana are two of the most common yoga poses that are used to relieve gas pain.

Kapalbhati is a pose that is often used to stretch out the spine. It is also helpful in relieving gas pain because it stretches the lower back and the pelvic floor.

Paschimottanasana is a variation of downward dog that is often used to relieve gas pain. It targets the lower back, neck, and shoulders, and can help to reduce inflammation and pain in these areas.

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Uddyana Bandhasana

1. Uddyana Bandhasana is one of the best poses for relieving gas pain. This pose stretches the entire body and is particularly good for relieving tension in the neck, shoulders, and back.

2. To do Uddyana Bandhasana, lie on your back with your legs extended straight out in front of you. Bend your knees and place your palms on the floor next to your hips. Keep your chin tucked in so that your neck is stretched downward. Breathe evenly and slowly into the belly button while holding the pose for 10 to 15 seconds.

3. To release the pose, slowly lift both legs off the ground and rest them on top of each other for a few seconds before lowering them back to the floor. Repeat the pose three times for maximum benefits.

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One of the best yoga poses to relieve gas pain is the Parswadansa. This pose is also known as the Cobbler’s Pose because it helps to stretch the hamstrings and hips.

To do the Parswadansa, start in a seated position with your legs extended straight in front of you. Bend your knees so that your feet are flat on the floor next to each other. Rest your hands on your thighs, and lift your torso up so that your chin is level with your knees. Hold this position for 8-10 breaths.

If you experience pain in your lower back while performing this pose, you can modify it by placing a pillow between your knees and lifting your torso instead of extending your legs. You can also try doing the Parswadansa on an elevated surface, such as a chair or stairs.

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Ustrasana (Camel Pose)

One of the best yoga poses to relieve gas pain is Ustrasana (Camel Pose). This pose stretches the hips, lower back, and thighs. It also relieves tension in the neck and spine, which can lead to gas pain.

To do Ustrasana, lie down on your stomach with your palms flat on the floor next to your hips. Bend your knees and lift your upper body until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Rest your forehead on your palms with your eyes closed. Hold this position for 30 seconds to 1 minute. If you experience any pain in your lower back or hips, feel free to adjust your positioning by changing the angle of your legs or raising your head and shoulders off the floor.

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Upharvakadasna and Parsvakonasana

One of the best yoga poses to relieve gas pain is Upharvakadasna and Parsvakonasana. These poses stretch the spine and open up the chest, which can help to relieve gas pain.

Upharvakadasna is a seated forward fold. To do this pose, sit with your legs stretched out in front of you. Bend your knees so that your heels are touching the ground, and then bring your forehead and chin towards your knees. Hold on to your thighs for support.

Parsvakonasana is a side-lying spinal twist. To do this pose, lie on your side with your legs extended straight. Bend your right elbow and place it behind your head. Place your left hand on the ground next to you, palm down.Keeping your spine straight, twist towards the left until you feel a stretch in the back of your neck and shoulders. Hold for 30 seconds before slowly reversing the pose and repeating on the other side.

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Shirshasan Asana (Headstand)

Shirshasan Asana (Headstand) is one of the most popular yoga poses for relieving gas pain. This pose is especially helpful if you have mild to moderate pain in your lower back, neck, and abdomen.

To do Shirshasan Asana, start by standing with your feet hip-width apart. Bend your knees slightly and place your hands on the floor next to your feet. Place your chin in your hands, and lift your head and shoulders off the ground. Hold this position for a few breaths before slowly lowering your torso back to the ground.

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