5 Fantastic Restorative Yoga Poses To Try Out This Summer

Yoga is a way to unwind, stretch and reduce stress. Yoga poses can be done by anyone at any level of fitness. If you are looking for a restorative yoga pose to try out this summer, then look no further than the five great poses listed in this article!


If you’re looking for a way to relax and de-stress this summer, yoga might be the perfect solution. Here are some fantastic restorative yoga poses to try out this season.

Yoga is a great way to relax and de-stress. It can help to improve your flexibility, breathing, and concentration. Some of the best restorative yoga poses to try out this summer are listed below.

1) Child’s pose: This pose is often recommended as an introductory yoga pose because it is gentle and easy to do. Sit on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you. Bend your knees so that your torso rests on your thighs, and spread your palms flat on the floor beside you. Hold this pose for several minutes before slowly rising back up to standing position.

2) Cat-cow: This pose is great for relieving tension in the back and neck. Lie flat on your back with both legs bent at the knee, feet flat on the floor beside you. Bring your hands forward over your head, then arch your back until you form a “U” shape with your body. Stay here for several minutes before slowly returning to original position.

3) Tabletop pose: To do this pose, sit on the floor with your legs extended in front. Bring one foot up the to rest on your opposite thigh, and then press the heel of your bottom foot firmly into the floor. Hold your foot here for several minutes before returning to regular sitting position.

4) Half pigeon: This pose is a great stretch for the hamstrings, calves, and quads (the muscles in the back of your thighs.) Sit tall with your feet together and both arms straight out in front. Bring your hands together at chest level so that they form a T shape with one hand above the other, then lift them up over your head and arch backward until you feel a stretch in your lower back. Repeat on other side.

5 Fantastic Restorative Yoga Poses To Try Out This Summer Photo Gallery

Restorative Yoga Poses

Summer is a great time to enjoy the outdoors and relax, but it can also be a challenging time. Between school, work, and activities with friends, it can be hard to find time to relax.

One way to relax and de-stress is through restorative yoga poses. These poses are designed to help restore balance and relieve tension in the body.

Here are some fantastic Restorative Yoga poses to try this summer:

1. Child’s pose: Lie down on your back with your legs straight up in the air. Relax your body and let your head rest on the floor. Keep your knees bent so that your hips and shoulders are off the floor. Hold this pose for at least 5 minutes.

2. Cat/Cow: Start in child’s pose with your feet together and your hands by your sides. Bring one foot up towards your chest, then lower it back down towards the floor. Repeat on the other side. This pose is called “cat/cow” because you look like a cat when you do it one leg at a time, and you look like a cow when you do it both legs at once. Hold this pose for at least 5 minutes.

3. Cow/Cow: Start in child’s pose with your feet together and your hands by your sides. Bring one foot up towards your chest, then lower it back down towards the floor. Repeat on the other side. This pose is called “cow/cow” because you look like a cow when you do it one leg at a time, and you look like a cow when you do it both legs at once. Hold this pose for at least 5 minutes.

4. Bridge Pose: Start in downward facing dog position with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor directly beneath your hips. Walk yourself up into a bridge position, raising both arms overhead to help support yourself during this move (you should not be supporting your weight with your hands; make sure to keep them in place for stability). Hold the bridge pose for 5 breaths and then exhale, lowering yourself back down to the ground. Do this move 3 times.

5. Cobra Pose: Start in downward facing dog position with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor directly beneath your hips. Walk yourself up into a cobra pose by raising both arms overhead to help support yourself during this move (you should not be supporting your weight with your hands; make sure to keep them in place for stability). Hold the cobra pose for 5 breaths while inhaling, and then exhale, lowering yourself straight down into downward facing dog position. Do this move 3 times.

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Amazing Benefits of Restorative Yoga

If you’re looking for a summer workout that will leave you feeling refreshed and invigorated, try out some of the fantastic restorative yoga poses.

Restorative yoga is a form of yoga that focuses on restoring balance and harmony to the body. It can provide amazing benefits, both physically and emotionally.

Some of the amazing benefits of restorative yoga include: improved circulation, increased flexibility, reduced stress levels, increased energy levels, better sleep habits, and relief from chronic pain.

If you’re looking for a challenging workout that will leave you feeling rejuvenated and empowered, give some of these poses a try this summer!

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How To Practice Restorative Yoga?

If you’re looking for a way to relax this summer, try out some restorative yoga poses. These poses are designed to help improve your flexibility, balance and muscular strength.

To practice restorative yoga, start by lying down on your back with your feet flat on the floor. Bend your knees and bring your feet towards your chest, then press them back into the floor. Rest your forehead on the floor and breathe deeply.

Some other restorative yoga poses include the cat-cow pose (pictured above), the child’s pose and the Cobbler pose. To practice these poses, start by sitting with your legs stretched out in front of you. Then gently fold both legs into yourself so that you’re sitting in half-moon shape. From here, reach behind your back and place both hands on top of your thighs. Finally, relax into the pose and let your head fall back against the floor.

If you’re new to restorative yoga, start with a few simple poses and work your way up to more challenging positions over time. The poses in this series can help to improve your overall health and well-being this summer.

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Summertime is a great time to get outdoors and enjoy the sunshine, but it can also be tough to stay active if you’re not used to exercising in hot weather. Luckily, there are some fantastic restorative yoga poses that can help you work up a sweat while keeping your body healthy and toned. If you’re looking for something to do this summer that will leave you feeling refreshed and invigorated, give these poses a try!

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