6 Effective Ways to Stop Overeating

Buh-bye, hungry brain Guyenet offers up his tips to beat OTT eating.

1 SORT YOUR ENVIRONMENT Go easy on the tempting foods at home and at work. If you don’t give yourself the option, you’ll crave them less. Try small barriers, such as limiting foods that are easy to snack on.

2 MANAGE YOUR APPETITE Eat foods with a high protein or fibre content. These send strong satiety signals to the brain, with a moderate number of kilojoules. Think veggies, eggs, yoghurt and wholegrains. Get your starch from water-rich foods like sweet potatoes, beans and oats.

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3 BEWARE OF FOOD REWARD Your brain values food containing high levels of fat, sugar, starch and salt, which is why you might feel more incentive to eat them. But if you’re eating something you love that’s not nutritious, it can be easy to eat past the point of satisfaction. Foods such as fruit, vegetables, oats, fresh meat and plain yoghurt will satisfy your appetite without making you feel the need to eat more.

4 MAKE SLEEP A PRIORITY Sleep can have a major impact on your hunger hormones, so make sure you’re spending enough time in bed. Ensure your room is completely dark and go to bed and wake up at around the same time every day.

5 MOVE YOUR BODY Regular activity helps manage your appetite and weight. Try to do some form of physical activity every day, whether that be heading to the gym or going for a walk. Fit exercise into your schedule so you’re more likely to sustain it in the long run.

6 MANAGE STRESS If you’re a stress eater, figure out what your triggers are. Then, find a way to either fix or avoid your stressor, whether that involves reaching out to a loved one or meditating. Replace overeating with a healthier coping method, such as yoga – talking to an expert can help you figure out the best strategies for you.

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