6 Poses for Strong Legs

When you think of yoga, you typically think of a group of people in the lotus position, but there are actually many different types of yoga.

In this article, I’ll be talking about a few poses that will help strengthen your legs.

The first pose is called Warrior II and it’s perfect for strengthening your hamstrings and glutes.

This pose is done by standing on one leg with the other leg bent out to the side at a 90 degree angle.

6 Poses for Strong Legs Photo Gallery

You then lift both arms up to shoulder height and lean forward slightly.

The second pose is called Standing Forward Bend and it’s great for stretching out your hamstrings and calves.

To do this pose, stand with your feet together or hip-distance apart and bend down from the hips until your torso is parallel to the ground. Keep your hands by your side, palms facing inward.

•Slowly raise one arm over your head while lengthening the other down to the ground and then back up to a comfortable position. Your arms should be perpendicular with each other or just above it.

•Hold that pose for 30 seconds, then switch sides and hold for 30 seconds.

•Continue alternating arms every 2 minutes.Left arm: Cross over to the right side and hold for 30 seconds. Right arm: Cross back to the left side and hold for an equal amount of time.Left arm: Bend your left elbow and place it on the floor next to your left leg, with your chin resting on top of the crook.

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