Yoga Practice Beginners How To Backbend To Forward Bend

Yoga Practice Beginners How To Backbend To Forward Bend

Forward and back bends are some of the most common poses in yoga, but if you’re new to practicing yoga, these poses might feel intimidating. This beginner-friendly article will walk you through the moves so you can be relaxed and pain-free when practicing them at home.

What is Yoga?

Yoga is a practice that originated in India. It is a form of exercise and meditation that helps improve your flexibility, strength and balance.

How to Backbend to Forward Bend:

1. Locate your back foot and place it on the opposite ankle, letting your heel rest on the floor. Keep your spine straight and your shoulders pulled down towards your hips.

2. Slowly bend your torso towards the front leg until you feel a gentle stretch in the backside of your thigh. Hold this position for five breaths or as long as feels comfortable.

3. Reverse the motion by slowly extending your torso backwards until you reach the starting position. Be sure to keep your back straight throughout the entire pose.

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Benefits of Yoga

There are countless health benefits to yoga, one of which is improving your flexibility. Yoga helps improve your flexibility in the backbend and forward bend positions. In this article, we will discuss how to do backbends and forward bends safely and effectively for beginners.

When practicing these poses, it is important to keep the following tips in mind:

1) Start with a small amount of pressure. Begin by placing your hands on the floor next to each other with your palms facing down. Slightly press your hands into the ground as you shift your weight onto them so that you are inching closer to the floor. You should feel a gentle stretch in your hamstrings, glutes and lower back. If you find that you are uncomfortable, gradually increase the pressure until you reach a comfortable level.

2) Breathe deeply and regularly throughout the pose. When practicing poses such as backbends, it is important to maintain good posture by keeping your head and neck straight and looking forward. In order to do this, take deep breaths from the abdomen and let them out slowly through the mouth. This will help keep your spine stable and prevent any pain or discomfort in your neck or head.

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Getting Started: Beginner Backbend Pose

If you’re looking for a beginner backbend pose, you need to start with the basic pose of backbend. In this pose, you’ll start in a seated position with your legs extended straight in front of you and your spine straight. Place your hands on your thighs for support and slowly arch your back until your upper body and head are touching the floor. Hold this position for a few seconds before slowly raising your torso back up to the starting position.

Getting Started: Beginner Forward Bend Pose

Getting started with yoga can be a little intimidating for beginners. One of the most common poses beginners learn is the forward bend. In this pose, you will arc your spine backwards and then bend your legs to the front. Keep these tips in mind when practicing this pose to help make it easier:

1. Start by standing with feet hip width apart and flat on the ground. Spread your shoulders and spine wide to increase flexibility.
2. Reach your hands towards the floor and press down into your palms, then lift your torso up towards the sky. Keep your head lifted, eyes closed and chest lifted as you reach your peak before slowly lowering back down to the starting position.
3. Make sure to keep your hips stationary throughout the pose, and focus on gently stretching each part of your body in turn. Hold for 30-60 seconds at first before working your way up to longer durations over time.

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Other Basic Poses for Beginners (recommended for 6 months)

If you’re new to yoga, or you’ve been practicing for a while but feel like you could do more, consider trying some of these basic poses for beginners.

Backbend: To perform a backbend, start by sitting on the ground with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Lean back so that your torso and head are leaning towards the floor, and press your palms down into the ground. Keep your spine straight and lift your torso up until your thighs and hips are off the ground. Hold this position for a few seconds, then slowly lower yourself back down to the starting position.

Forward Bend: To perform a forward bend, start by lying down on your stomach with your palms flat on the ground next to you. Bend one knee in towards your chest, then slowly extend the other leg out in front of you until it’s extended straight. Keeping your spine neutral, slowly hinge at the hips until you reach a 90-degree angle. Hold this position for a few seconds before slowly extending both legs back to their original position.

Camel pose: In camel pose, start by lying on your back with both legs extended out in front of you.

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Advanced Poses

If you are looking to work on some advanced poses in your yoga practice, look no further than the backbend and forward bend. These two poses can really help open up your whole body and give you a stretch that goes beyond the typical neck and shoulder stretches.

The backbend is a great pose for those who want to stretch their spinal column and increase flexibility in the upper back. To do this pose, begin by sitting down with your legs bent in front of you, feet flat on the floor. Then, reach your hands behind you, placing your palms flat on the floor beside you. Push your hips forward and lift your torso up until your spine is straight. Hold this position for a few breaths before slowly lowering yourself back down to the starting position.

The forward bend is a great pose for those who want to add some cardio into their yoga routine. To do this pose, start by standing with feet hip-width apart, hands behind your back. Bend forward from the hips until you feel a stretching sensation in the lower back, then slowly push through your heels to return to standing position. Be sure to keep your spine tall throughout the entire pose!


Yoga is a great way to relax and de-stress, but it can be tough to start from the beginning. This video tutorial shows you how to backbend to forward bend, so that you can get started with your practice with ease. By following these simple steps, you’ll be on your way to a flexible body and mind!

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