Bad Yoga Poses

Bad Yoga Poses


In the Krishna Karunamrita it says. “Siksha guru hai Krishna mahanta swarupe – Nobody can visually experience the presence of the Supersoul. He therefore appears before us as the liberated soul; such a spiritual master is no other than the Supersoul Himself.” (KK.58) This verse describes the special feature of Paramatma as the Chaitya-guru, the guru within the heart. The word ‘chaitya’ means the ‘heart’ and one who has achieved samadhi receives directions from Paramatma, the Chaitya-gura within the heart. This verse declares it is very hard to see the Supersoul situated within the heart by material vision and therefore one must take shelter of a liberated pure devotee of the Lord, who is the self-effulgent Bhagavata-acharya, who acts as the external manifestation of the Chaitya-guru, the Supersoul. Even advanced yogis find difficulty in realizing Paramatma, therefore if they can recognize which personality is the Bhagavata-acharya, they can take shelter of him The Bhagavata-acharya will be the most prominent Vaishnava-acharya and preacher of the era, who has done the most to propound love of God, and then they will be most fortunate and can take shelter of him

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In Christian theology, the same manifestation of Chaitya-guru is revealed in the Bible as the Holy Ghost. The Bible refers to, ‘God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost’. In other words, God the Father is the Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Krishna; God the Son is Jesus Christ or the present Bhagavata-acharya, and God the Holy Ghost is Paramatma the Supersoul, also called the Chaitya-guru. The great confusion in Christian theology is the false concept that Jesus is the only son of God; this erroneous claim is not supported by the Bible, which says “God walked the Earth with His many sons”, which is a reference to Lord Krishna’s Earthly pastimes at Dwaraka, where He begot many sons. According to Vedic theology, all souls in the entire creation are spiritual sons of God. In the Bhagavad-gita it says. “It should be understood that all species of life, O son of Kunti, are made possible by birth in this material nature, and that I am the seed-giving father.” (Bg.14.4) This verse means that the seed is the spirit-soul, also called the jivatma, the separated atomic particle of Gods energy.

The term ‘Christ’ is derived from the Greek ‘Christos’ meaning ‘anointed’, which in turn has originated from the Sanskrit ‘Krishna’. Therefore, ‘Jesus Christ’ actually means ‘Jesus the anointed representative of Krishna’ or in other words the Bhagavata-acharya. Similarly, in Vedic theology, the Bhagavata-acharya is also the anointed representative of Paramtma or the Holy Ghost. Since the time that Lord Krishna was present on Earth five thousand years ago, there has always been a succession of Bhagavata-acharyas present in an unbroken line of gurus known as the Bhagavata Vaishnava-sampradaya. The Bhagavata-acharya of the Jews was Jesus, and for the Arabs it was Hazrat Mohammed. In India it was Ramanuja, Madhvaharya, and Rupa-Sanatana who were the disciples of

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and in the modern era, Bhaktisiddhanta and Bhaktivedanta.

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