Best Bodyweight Exercises For Muscle Growth

Best Bodyweight Exercises For Muscle Growth

If you used free weights, convert your free weights bench press score to an estimated value for 1 RM on the Universal bench press or other bench press machine using the appropriate formula:

Males: Estimated Universal 1 RM = (1.016 X free weights 1 RMlb) 1 18.41 =lb

Females: Estimated Universal 1 RM = (0.848 X free weights 1 RMlb.) 1 21.37 = lb

(Note: this formula might not be accurate on other bench press machines.)

Rating Your Bench Press Result

1. Divide your 1-RM value by your body weight.

2. Find this ratio in the table to determine your bench press strength rating. Record the rating here and in the chart at the end of this lab. Bench press strength rating:

Best Bodyweight Exercises For Muscle Growth Photo Gallery

Based on norms from The Cooper Institute of Aerobic Research, Dallas, Tex; from The Physical Fitness Specialist Manual, revised 2005. Used with permission.

Predicting 1 RM from Multiple-Repetition Lifts Using Free Weights

Instead of doing the 1-RM maximum strength bench press test, you can predict your 1 RM from multiple-repetition lifts.


1. Choose a weight you think you can bench press five times.

2. Follow the instructions for lifting the weight given in the maximum bench press test.

3. Do as many repetitions of the bench press as you can. A repetition counts only if done correctly

Find this ratio in the table above to determine your bench press strength rating. Record the rating here and in the chart at the end of the lab. Bench press strength rating:

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