Christian Meditation Does praying do any good

How about prayer? Do messages and feelings we send to those we love actually arrive? What about when we send a general prayer to express gratitude, to offer thanks, or to pray for the good of the world? Do these prayers arrive anywhere? Do they do any good?

This is a deep question that contains many facets. We’ll start by discussing the nature of prayer. Prayer uses focused electromagnetic energy. Electromagnetic energy is central to the functioning of your brain and central nervous system. Sparks of electricity fire neurons so they can transfer information from one cell to another and stimulate hormones to send messages that regulate organs and bodily functions.

Prayers are messages that similarly consist of electromagnetic energy. When you pray, you focus your intent to create an emotional or intellectual message that is electromagnetic in nature. However, the difference between a prayer and what happens in your brain is that your brain’s electromagnetic pulses are strictly local, being limited to your body’s boundaries. In contrast, prayers are non-local communications, created specifically to be projected beyond the body, out into the world. Accordingly, we assert that prayers are really existing things. So where do they go?

The world is filled with all kinds of electromagnetic information: television and radio waves, microwaves for transmitting phone calls and SMS messages, x-rays, photons, and sub-atomic particles of all kinds—the list goes on. A prayer can be said to be just one among billions of electromagnetic signals passing across and through the surface of this planet. However, where some signals exist at the electrophysical end of the electromagnetic spectrum, others exist at the electrospiritual end of the spectrum. This means that machines such as radios, televisions and phones can pick up signals at the electrophysical end of the spectrum, but not signals at the electrospiritual end. These latter, which include prayers, are what may best be called mental in nature. The mental is not accessible to a physical apparatus. A mentally tuned apparatus is required, such as a mind, whether that mind is embodied or not.

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Another basic difference between electromagnetic signals such as television signals and prayers is that the first category is transitory, whereas the second is not. By this we mean that a television signal is a package of information that exists as a wave that travels past a stationary receiver, such as a television antenna. When the television signal wave passes the antenna, it is gone and so is no longer accessible at that location. In contrast, a prayer is a packet of information that, once it is generated, continues to exist. It may be sampled by anyone who tunes into it, whatever their location, at any time.

What makes this possible is that prayers enter a holding station, a message database, if you will. This is an energetic repository that exists at a similar level to the cultural streams we have previously discussed. Like cultural streams, the repository for prayers contains information that exists at the electrospiritual end of the electromagnetic spectrum, and so can only be accessed by the minds of enquiring and sufficiently open spiritual identities.

The question arises that if a prayer is held in a huge database containing all the world’s prayers, how does a prayer reach the particular person to whom it is addressed? There are two answers. To begin, it must be acknowledged that many prayers do not reach their intended recipients because the recipients aren’t open to them, due to being insufficiently sensitive, or because they are sustaining animosity towards the sender, or simply because they aren’t aware that such messages are available to be sipped.

We use the word sipped advisedly, because when you connect with the prayer repository and access a prayer directed your way, it is like sipping a refreshing or delicious drink. This is what results when the intended energy is transferred. Many people have had the experience of unexpectedly but delightfully receiving, in a quiet moment, a wash of a happy memory or love that appears to arrive out of nowhere. Sometimes the wave carries a memory of a specific person, usually the sender. But often the sender is not associated with the feeling, which conveys a general message of warmth and being cared for. This is the experience of a prayer being received.

On occasion someone else may intervene to help pass on a message or prayer. This is required because among people today there is a general lack of awareness regarding humanity’s energetic possibilities, which results in few being trained in sending and receiving energetic messages. What happens is not so much that someone else actually passes on the message, but rather that they attract the recipient’s attention and open him or her up to receiving the message, usually by planting a thought, an image or a dream in the recipient’s mind. The recipient then remembers the sender, or perhaps a relevant past situation. Either opens them up sufficiently that they are able to receive the message. The recipient’s spiritual self often stimulates and opens up the recipient’s awareness in this way. However, soul friends and mentors may also perform that task, especially when it is important that an individual receive the message, but the intended recipient is proving particularly difficult to open up sufficiently to receive it.

We note that what we are describing here applies to messages of all kinds, not just prayers, prayers being a specialised form of messaging. Prayer is a specialised form of messaging because it involves faith. Faith needs to be briefly discussed due to its historical association with prayer. Among the religious, prayer is seen as an expression of faith. Believers have faith in God and in key spiritual figures of their religion, such as saints. They use prayers to petition these figures to intervene in the life (or afterlife) of a loved one. Such expressions of faith have their foundations in intensely felt emotion.

It could be said that a package of intention powers any prayer—we are referring to prayers that are stated with purpose and meaning and are not just repeated by rote. Christian theologians have teased out the intention that powers prayers into the separate strands of faith, hope and love. This quite successfully elucidates what is involved. Faith incorporates hope, because anyone who prays for another hopes to change their current and future life for the better. Prayers naturally contain love, because it is out of love that the sender intends any charitable act, including that of praying for another. Accordingly, we use the word faith here with the understanding that it actually consists of bundled faith-hope-love.

Note that people often use the word faith abstractly, in relation to a religious belief system. So it is common to refer to the Christian faith, the Buddhist faith, the Jewish faith, and so on. This is not how we are using the word faith here. Our understanding is that faith is primarily an intense emotion, being an intention manifested by a human individual to acknowledge, send support to, or energetically aid another. Faith may also be directed towards humanity as a whole, to sections of humanity, to other living creatures and species, or to the planet’s biosphere. To sum up: when you send a prayer to someone, it is an act of faith sent in hope and motivated by love.

Some prayers are much stronger than others. When a group of people gather to send a supportive prayer to another, it is filled with the intent of all who are sending it. This certainly makes it a message worth receiving. How does a prayer arrive at the intended receiver? Through energetic signatures.

All identities have their own individual energetic signature. This applies whether they are in an embodied or a non-embodied state. In an embodied state, human identities have a layered signature, which consists of a blend of their biological, socialised, higher human, energetic and spiritual self s frequencies. In a non-embodied state, human identities have a pure spiritual level frequency. An individual’s spiritual energetic signature changes as they evolve. Nonetheless, they always possess a unique signifier that identifies them as them and separates them from all other identities.

When a prayer is directed towards an individual it contains two energetic signatures, that of the sender and that of the receipient. If a group is sending the prayer, a collective signature is attached. These signatures are embedded energetically, through intention. Because senders initiate the prayer and sent it out, it automatically includes their energetic signature. Because senders use creative imagination to picture the intended recipient, the recipient’s energetic signature is also tagged to the message.

How does the prayer arrive at the intended destination, given it enters an electromagnetic repository filled with billions of prayers? We can explain the process via the everyday example of a telephone call. A telephone call begins with the number being dialled. This ensures that among all the billions of calls being sent at the same time, the call is directed towards one particular telephone. The energetic signature tagged to a prayer is an identifier that may be likened to a telephone number. The identifier ensures the prayer arrives at the intended recipient. This is an overly crude analogy, but does reflect what happens. Of course, the recipient needs to pick up for the message to be received. We have already discussed this aspect of messaging.

As for general prayers that are not sent to particular individuals but rather to groups of people, or even to all humanity, these prayers go into what may be likened to an electromagnetic storage facility, which is filled with human-generated good intention. Much like a food warehouse, this repository of good intention is available to be drawn on when and as needed. This likely sounds somewhat nebulous and New Agey to you. However, we assure you that faith-filled prayers contribute to the repository of good intentions. It not only actually exists, but is needed to balance the greed, violence, and other forms of negativity perpetually generated by human beings. As such, it needs to be taken seriously and its purpose understood.

Today’s scientists work on the assumption that everything consists of energy. The physical universe is a coagulation of energy in a particular range of frequencies. Microwaves are a coagulation at a different frequency range. Photons and muons are energy coagulated at subatomic frequencies. We agree with this scientific perspective. That is why we have characterised reality as being divided into the three broad bands of electrophysical, electromagnetic and electrospiritual energy, with a wide range of frequencies existing within each band.

You, as a spiritual identity, are a coagulation of electrospiritual energy. When you associate with a body for the term of a life, you are aligning your electrospiritual energy with a body’s electrophysical energy. You use the body’s associated network of electromagnetic energy to anchor yourself to the physical domain and to send messages between the electropsiritual and the electrophsyical bands.

One consequence of possessing an electromagnetic band of energy is that whatever a human being does has an energetic counterpart. This means acts of violence, exploitation or oppression generate not just a physical outcome but also an energetic outcome. This energetic outcome is a vibration that is added to the many other electromagnetic frequencies that surround this planet. From a spiritual perspective, the negative frequencies resemble a grey fog surrounding the Earth. This is psychologically unhealthy for human beings because it is as if everyone is perpetually living in and breathing poisonous smog. If you make no effort to change your energetic intake, you automatically inhale these human-generated negative energies. This is why negativity is so prevalent—and why those who do not become self-critically aware lapse into negativity so easily. Effectively, it is in the air. Attempting to become more spiritual by engaging in spiritual practices like prayer and meditation is significant because it helps counterbalance all the human-generated negativity. So, to answer the question, yes, on both the personal and planetwide levels, prayer is useful. It may be listed among the goods of human existence.

Becoming spiritual involves learning about the electromagnetic spectrum. You already utilise that spectrum automatically and unconsciously, because it enables you to exist as an fusion of spiritual intent and physical activity. Becoming spiritual involves learning to utilise the electromagnetic spectrum consciously and deliberately. That is why this question about prayer is important. It has enabled us to illuminate something of what is happening around you and to you, each moment of your life.

The electromagnetic spectrum sustains you. It provides nutrition, both physically, as in the television, phone and internet signals that keep modern civilisation functioning, and spiritually, in the form of subtle messages that provide you with important information and feed you with faith, hope and love. Adding to that, generating your own prayers is no more or less than an act of gratitude, via which you acknowledge the spiritual domain that sustains you and reciprocate with deep input of your own. Collectively, it provides spiritual nutrition for all who wish to imbibe it.

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