Couple Yoga Poses

Couple Yoga Poses

Quick Action Can Reduce Recovery Time Needed

Some minor irritation may require just one day off from yoga. As the pain level increases, so does the need for more recovery days, because there is usually more damage.

How to Lower the Chance of Injury

• Insert walk/shuffle breaks from the beginning.

• Work out every other day (lowest rate of injury).

• Avoid faster yoga or gently ease into faster yoga.

• Don’t stretch (unless you have certain stretches that work for you and don’t hurt you).

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Staying in Shape when Injured

Many yoga Yoga Injuries will heal while you continue to run, if you stay below the threshold of further irritation. Talk to your doctor about this issue to ensure that the healing has started and that you are not irritating the injury as you start back.

Cross training pick an activity that does not aggravate the injury. Walking and water yoga are the best for maintaining yoga conditioning. To hold current endurance, schedule a long walk/water yoga session that is the same distance of your long yoga (same number of water yoga minutes you would spend yoga your current long run). Some runners have been able to maintain speed conditioning by doing a speed yoga workout in the water, once a week.

Swimming, cycling, etc. are good for overall fitness, but don’t have a lot of direct benefit to runners.

Activities to avoid: Anything that irritates the injury.

If you can walk, walk for at least an hour, every other day.

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