General Level 4 Yoga The Hand Stand Posture

Namaskar I’m David odde and welcome to an endeavor general yoga level for general anova level four is a yoga pose for advanced practitioners you forced two different forward bending backward bending lateral bending from the level one two and three. And then try out this course sheersh- Asana this is known as the king of the Asana for the different benefits for the number of benefit it can provide to go in this Arsen you sitting on the toes up right on the heels in turn of the fingers and rest the arms the forearms on the ground now drop the head down and place the head to the crown of the head on the ground supported by the fingers once you have rested the crown of the head on the ground just straighten the legs now you can see the weight is still on the feet also so now going to push your ass on a by shifting the weight towards the head and coming on the toes then slowly start walking towards the chest and as the legs get light in Russia Russ.

General Level 4 Yoga The Hand Stand Posture Photo Gallery

And be let the legs go up very good and with control movement slowly go into the other leading practices of Sher Shah son straighten the legs push them behind. And then just lift the legs up. And this the whole body is free on the head, if we want to close the eyes or just look in front then what it was and helps the blood supply towards the head towards the brain then you feel like coming out to slowly bend the leg drop the heels down first and bring the knees closer to the chest and drop the toes down let them go back drop the knees down and don’t immediately sit up. But relax the toes going over jostle with the head on the ground. And the sweet for some time the inverted position helps your whole body with the heart relaxes the let’s apply towards your heart towards the lungs the brain the eyes the ears improve. So you immediately do and set up. But allow the blood supply to get normal. And then slowly set up this arson has benefit to each and every system of your body.

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