You’ve worked hard to get fit for your holiday. Now, stay in shape with this two-week plan from the Tone It Up girls

La-based trainers Katrina Scottand Karena Dawn are bestfriends, workout buddies andbusiness partners. The fitnessduo are the brains behind ToneIt Up, a fitness company thatreaches over five million women worldwide.They’ve also built an empire of products,including Perfect Fit Protein, two activewear lineswith Bandier (, a beauty line and a2017 multi-city American tour. Phew! It’s safe tosay that Katrina and Karena are a fitness forceto be reckoned with.If there’s one thing the pair know lots aboutit’s how to get a bikini body (just check out theirBikini Series at if you don’t believeus). But getting fit before heading off on vacationisn’t enough – Katrina and Karena are here tomake sure you keep your beach body all holidaylong. ‘We love to stay active on vacation,’ saysKatrina. ‘It’s the number one time we want to feeland look our best, which motivates us to stay fitand stick with clean, lean foods.’Prefer to laze around on the beach? The girlsare quick to point out that keeping fit on holidayneedn’t be a chore. ‘Set small goals,’ addsKarena. ‘When I’m away, I tell myself I’m goingto do a 20-minute bike ride or run in themorning. Once I get started, I usually end upgoing for much longer.

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Even if you only have timefor 15 minutes of exercise, that’s totally OK. Ithelps you stay active and stick to your routinewhile you’re away.’COME HOME FITTER!Of course, it’s handy to have a workout buddyon your travels, so team up with your husband,sibling or friend when you’re away from home.‘Everything, including workouts, is more funwith a friend,’ agrees Katrina. ‘We alwaysmotivate each other to get our workout in.If we’re travelling together, with friends or withour husbands, we always make sure we keepthem motivated too.’Need a go-to workout this holiday? Katrinaand Karena have got you covered with thistwo-week, kit-free plan, designed to keep youfit while you’re away. Follow the plan and fill yourspare time with fun activities. ‘Try stand uppaddle boarding or surfing,’ says Katrina. ‘Andwhenever we visit someplace new, we researchfun outdoor activities to try, such as a beautifulhike or a jog through the city. We also have tonsof equipment-free workouts on toneitup.comthat are perfect to do in your hotel room.’ You’llreturn from your holiday fitter than when you left!

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