How to Create a Vision for Your Life Jenna Raynell Yoga

This is Mickey and nikki is variance I in person that I know and I wanted I wanted her to be here to talk about mission I think that’s a huge piece of dipping into who you are into the into the life that you really want to live for yourself you talk about the vision. And the vision of someone’s life the first thing I think of is it’s so much easier to determine what you don’t want. And we oftentimes have such a hard time determining what we do want so there’s an activity that we’ve done at Lululemon where you draw a circle and inside the circle you put what you want and outside the circle you poke we don’t want. And it can be a word it could be a sentence with anything that comes to mind. And the trick to having reactivity be powerful my opinion really allowing that stream of consciousness to just run and to not try to force your mind to go together it’s literally just being. So In tuned with your mind your hardest and not worrying about what you think you should want or what your parents told you to water and like that and so then when you can do it do take whatever comes up you and I like to you. And you kind of find me larger categories like your personal life your career your health anything like that any of those like to take it comes topics. And then you get really specific how do you get to like what you want me as we throw what you don’t want out the window. Because it doesn’t matter.

How to Create a Vision for Your Life Jenna Raynell Yoga Photo Gallery

But you get so specific on what you do want that it becomes more and more powerful and in effect like think about what you want so strongly. But like you draw to you in honestly like, if you don’t believe in that like as a person I think that it becomes very difficult to see your son succeeding. Because in order to have something meaningful you really have to be so focused on it than any of the obstacles just kind of melt away. And it’s funny make assume you want something really bad like you get real crafty like you figure out ways to get it. And you’re like shaking broke. But like I want to go to Paris and all of a sudden like all these doors open like well I could teach or I could marry our friendship like and honestly anything you get really grumpy. And it’s maintaining that excitement and I that possibility got your whole life basically and I think it’s a lot easier than it is. But you have to accept.

But it’s not going to be just you that gets you there you really have to get that. Because we try to do it alone like inevitably you will stumble you might fail. And your ego has this great way of tricking you into thinking it was all your fault so my first step when I decide that I want something as I share it with somebody tap into all the resources that you have like your friends your family whoever it is like you have so many untapped resources in your life you probably don’t even realize I like we can use you. And just as an example like you decided that you wanted to do fix, if you wanted to have a great kind of like informative like inspirational posts. And you have like a whole plethora of people at your doorstep waiting to be on camera and of likes it and find them like they were just there. Because you opened your heart up you opened you became vulnerable and honestly that’s what taking risks about and really getting to where you want to be is it’s being vulnerable first and understanding that like the path to get there might not look the way that you planned it but, if you’re open to all of the possibilities all people helping you like we will get there it’s just so great like we said to have some leave surrounding you and willing to support you when you’re vulnerable you clean yourself up you jes you’re amazed by the people around you that want to support you, if one of them young for you. And you’re gonna listen for me I think he was famous for me welcome people each abilities at the same time where are you up to the cops or plant okay I don’t know how silly this looks the Thievius like sitting I love it I think that’s great.

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