How To Look After Your Gutters And Downpipes In Preparation For Winter

It’s that time of year again! Subtle shifts in the weather such as heavier rain and blustering winds herald the arrival of the winter months, and with these come new considerations for your home. At the forefront is ensuring the house itself can withstand extreme weather conditions and is not at risk of damp or mould, and one of the best ways of doing this is to maintain your gutters. This is an important task all year round, however the cusp of winter is perhaps the most crucial time to undertake it so that leaves and other autumn debris can be cleared.

How To Look After Your Gutters And Downpipes In Preparation For Winter Photo Gallery


November plays host to National Maintenance Week, with National Gutters Day taking place on Saturday 25th, so now is the perfect time to get the job done. To err on the side of caution, it is best to leave guttering to the professionalsprimarily, so you don’t compromise your own safety by climbing a ladder – but there are also practical benefits to consider.

A professional will have a keener eye for the task and be able to carry out any necessary repairs, as well as spot any potential issues. Good companies will check for leaks in and between the gutter sections and ensure there is no rust, peeling paint or any blockages, so any work can be carried out without delay or risk of error. Before any elements are repainted or replaced, the fascia boards should also be checked for rot to make sure the structure as a whole is sound.


In the meantime, there are some simple checks you can carry out to monitor your gutters and downpipes. The next time it rains, grab an umbrella and stand outside the front of your house to look at where the water is flowing. If it is going through the pipes they are most likely clear, but if it is cascading down the side of the house there may be a blockage. If you are experiencing damp or mould in your home but can see the water flowing through the downpipe, there may be a leak in the gutter joints. Alternatively, there could be a build-up of debris that is causing the gutters to sag, in which case a closer inspection of the roof may be required.

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