How to Set BIG GOALS Jenna Raynell Yoga

This is my friend lorely ill and Drummond has some people know her by and laura lee’s been a huge inspiration to me she’s taught me all she knows about goals. And I’m so excited that she is so excited to be here and Emily noticed this guy’s hurry yard thanks to dinner right now for having me on her blog we’re here in the Flatiron District. And I’m going to be talking about one of the six core concepts of goal setting and my core concept my favorite is audacity so when I first started cool setting I realized that I really liked it. Because I love making lists and I love making plans anyone that knows me knows my day planner my best friend I make lists constantly and I love scratching things off the list. So I thought it was gonna be really fun. And just plan everything out little did I know that people were gonna push me to set in same goals and that I wasn’t actually going to get across everything on someone.

How to Set BIG GOALS Jenna Raynell Yoga Photo Gallery

But it was an amazing feeling. Because I knew that people were supporting big things in my life and just. Because not everything got crossed off the list it was okay it was you know I was being pushed to set bigger holes and not just accomplished everything I wanted living home. So the idea behind being audacious when goal setting is to create your goals and believe that you’re going to accomplish only fifty percent of hood. So you want to be failing when you’re failing you know that you’re living a big wide and I’ve heard a concept resume of failures before.

And I really love it what would you do, if someone asked you to apply for a job with a resume of failures would you have anything for them you know would you say you went out to do something amazing. And it shouldn’t happen or it just didn’t happen in a timeline like. So I really love that concept and I just wish everyone out there to think about the living possibility and set huge goal that you may not accomplish. But the feeling of failure. And the feeling that you went after something big is an amazing feeling I’m so embrace failure. And then the ones that you do accomplish are just going to be not much more amazing so get out there in stick I’ll take why are we may actually link Rapunzel with your hair flying in the wind haha okay doll’s dress this may be your new cosmo guys get serious setting getting out there and living my life no it’s just what’s you get a vision in your mind where you gonna be, if we want to do just gotta go I just think no I think it’s gonna be really good gonna be really changing and.

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