If A Child Dies, Does Their Spirit Remain As A Child In The Afterlife

We all change when we go back to the spirit world. Those who were old and weary in life lose their frailty and illness because their spirit is stronger than the body they have left. They are renewed and reborn in Spirit. The same thing will happen with a child in the spirit world. First, they will become strong and grow spiritually.

If A Child Dies, Does Their Spirit Remain As A Child In The Afterlife Photo Gallery

If they wish to come back to let their families know that they are close to them, they may choose to show themselves as they were when they were in the physical body, but as time goes by they may show what they would look like if they had lived to grow older. I have given many messages to families who have lost children, but on each occasion the child has appeared to me in an adult form.

Often, they do this because it answers questions, which their family members have been asking, like, ‘What would my son look like if he was still with us?’ All spirits grow in the afterlife, but not as people – as spirits in a spiritual way, getting brighter and stronger as they develop and learn.

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