Looking for summer workout inspiration?

Looking for summer workout inspiration? With just a few clicks, the latest social mediacampaigns will help boost your training this summer

If you’re among the one in fourpeople who pay for a gymmembership but hasn’texercised for six months (go on,own up) or one of the 36 percent who have recently cancelled theirmembership, it’s time to look beyondthe gym for shape-up motivation. Andthis summer, you can find inspiration atyour fingertips from a bounty of new socialmedia fitness campaigns, guaranteed toget you moving. Already a great platformfor exchanging workout tips andmotivation, social media is now buzzingwith more structured fitness campaignstailored to your goals, whether you wantto discover a new sport, up your runningmileage or get off the couch and readyfor the beach.

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WHAT: LDN MovesMe is a three-monthdigital initiative designed to inspireLondoners to celebrate and share the waysthey get active, whether it’s an early-morningyoga class, a bike ride to the office, anafter-work HIIT class or a weekend walk. Iteasy to join in and inspire other city-dwellersto get moving – just throw out a picture ofyour workout on social media and tag it with#LDNMovesMe. Then discover new ideaschecking what others are up to. ‘Whateveractivity means to you, the #LDNMovesMecampaign is there to motivate you to domore of what you love,’ explains freerunninglegend François ‘Forrest’ Mahop. The goal‘to build a community of Londoners who arehealthier, happier, and more inspired toparticipate,’ explains Peter Fitzboydon, ChiefExecutive of London Sport.

NEED TO KNOW: Make it a good post – the best content will be shared on the campaign’s microsite: ldnmovesme.com where you can also find more workout ideas.


WHAT: Runners – improve your stride bygetting in the pool! This programme fromSpeedo aims to show you how swapping 5Kon your feet for 1K in the water will help youbecome a fitter and stronger runner byreaping the benefits (improved endurance,core and upper-body strength) of a full-bodyworkout through swimming. Designed byformer Itu triathlete and duathlete AnnieEmmerson, the MAKE 1K WET programmefeatures 1K swim-training plans, frombeginner to advanced, catering for peoplewho are running anything from 5K tomarathons. ‘Runners are mileage-driven, soit’s a great way to showcase that you canachieve as much through swimming asrunning,’ says Emmerson. Download athree-month plan from the Make1KWet hubat speedo.com to your smartphone. As youprogress, share your results, tagging yourtweets Make 1KWet.

NEED TO KNOW: A recent international study of people who swim and run found that more than 85 per cent said swimming helps enhance their running performance.


WHAT: Short on shape-up time? Get fit onyour way to work with this campaigndesigned to inspire you to switch yourcommute (by train, bus or car) with runningor walking to work, helping you keep fit,save money and even get there faster.Enter your start and finish points and modeof transport of your commute on the landing page (letsrunit.raceful.ly/) whichcalculates the distance and time of thejourney then creates a run/walk. Downloadthe Racefully iphone app beforehand, andyou can race against your commute. ‘It’s afun and affordable way to add fitness intoyour life, plus helping the environment andsaving money are big motivators,’ saysRacefully co-founder David Naylor. Shareyour runs by using #LetsRunIt.

NEED TO KNOW: You could also win alightweight commuter’s backpack byiamrunbox (iamrunbox.com) worth £134.To be in with a chance, share your run toFacebook or Twitter and tag it #LetsRunIt.


WHAT: Sponsored by Lucozade Sport,this drive to get to get 1 million peoplemoving more by 2020 kicked into action inOctober 2016 with Made to MoveSessions, a series of streamed workoutclasses hosted by influential sport andfitness ambassadors including IBFHeavyweight World Champion boxerAnthony Joshua and PT and social mediainfluencer Emily Skye, available atlucozadesport.com/madetomove. ‘This is aperfect platform to give everyone theaccess and knowledge they need to be fitand heathy,’ says Skye.

NEED TO KNOW: Lucozade Sport haslaunched a Made to Move app as part of thecampaign. Users can track their movementacross a range of activities and are rewardedwith giveaways and prize draws. ‘Just 5,000steps could make you a prize winner,’ saysClaire Higgins, Senior Brand Manager atLucozade Sport. So, move more, win more!


If you fancy making motivating content of your own, here are some tips to ensure your posts are top-notch from Born Barikor, Founder and CEO, Our Parks and LDN Moves Me campaign ambassador.

Announce a goal, workout or challenge before you embark on it to involve and get feedback from your friends and followers. Twitter polls, such as asking your followers what workout you should do tonight, are very effective and give them a sense of ownership of your journey or workout.

Share your progress regularly and include a photo or video with every post. Followers connect more readily with images of people rather than just words or illustrations.

Fun, well-lit images get most engagement, so wipe your lens and ensure you have the light behind your camera.

If you’re live streaming, plan what you’ll say, check the shot on your built-in camera and rehearse before going live.

Be consistent and monitor post engagement to keep tabs on what’s working.

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