Power Yoga Sequence For Weight Loss

Namaskar I’m David at and welcome to an endeavor power yoga sequences power yoga is a complete body workout which focuses on strength stamina flexibility and total fitness of your body power yoga sequences is an important part of our yoga here we just flow from one arson into a dog with ease just by doing few sequences you can have a complete body workout this is a wonderful sequence for your abs it not only improves the tuning of your ab muscles.

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But also improves the health of your abdominal organs we first start with a wonderful stretch of the leg. And the whole body it Allison Tantalus you bring the legs in close closer to each other inhaling you slowly start taking the hands up and stretch your hands upward toes pointing down in this the whole body is getting a stretch enjoy it with normal breathing for about three four breaths and from here you are coming into Drona’s and position or it’s also known as petit Puna now arson so start taking the hands up upper body is raised up the legs are raised up this is Ronis on wonderfully working on your ab muscles maintain ask your capacity when you feel like coming out drop the legs. And the back down from here you’re going into Pawan moccasin the width free pose take the legs up bend and catch the legs in such a way that you’re catching the opposite elbows or the arms press it closer to the abdomen slowly raise the chin up.

And enjoy this wonderful pressure on the abdomen keep the breathing normal. And when you feel like coming out of the head down relax the hands rest the feet on the ground either you spread the hands at shoulder level or interlock the fingers keep the palms under your head you’re going into a chorus and thumb across on the twist bring the legs closer to their body and drop both the knees on one side turn the face on the opposite side enjoy the twist as well as the effect on the abdomen keep the breathing normal then come back to the center force the face then the legs and go on the other side turn the face on the opposite side enjoy the twist enjoy the effect on the abdomen in the sequence you are not only trained your abdomen muscle to get stronger they are also trained your abs. And the sides to get flexible. And come back just go into shav Asana and feel the effect of this awesome especially on your abs.

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