Rowing Program for Higher Levels of Fitness

Rowing Program for Higher Levels of Fitness

Vary your training methods after you can row continuously for 30 minutes, gain some fitness, and are used to the technique. Alternate between interval training and distance training. Doing both will help you develop fitness rapidly and improve rowing efficiency. A good strategy is to row continuously at about 70% effort for 30-60 minutes three days per week and practice interval training at 80-90% effort for two days per week. Do resistance and flexibility training two-three days per week. A basic but complete rowing machine program that includes continuous and interval training as well as resistance and flexibility exercises is shown in Table 4.

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Warm-up: Row at low intensity for 2 minutes.

Continuous rowing: Row for 30 minutes at 70% effort (20-22 strokes per minute).

Weight training (1-2 sets of 10 repetitions): Squats, leg curls, bench press, lat pulls, raises, biceps curls, triceps extensions, curl-ups, side bridge (10 seconds per side), spine extensions (10 seconds per side).

Stretching: Do static stretching exercises for the shoulders, chest, back, hips, and thighs. Hold each stretch for 10-30 seconds. Warm-up: Row at low intensity for 2 minutes.

Continuous rowing: Row at 60-70% of maximum effort for 5 minutes. Rest for 3 minutes.

Interval rowing: Row 6 sets, for 5 minutes per set, at 25 strokes per minute (90% effort). Rest for 3 minutes between intervals. Warm-up: Row at low intensity for 2 minutes.

Continuous rowing: Row for 45 minutes at 70% effort (20-22 strokes per minute).

Stretching: Repeat Monday stretches.

Warm-up: Row at low intensity for 2 minutes.

Continuous rowing: Row for 30 minutes at 70% effort (20-22 strokes per minute).

Weight training (1-2 sets of 10 repetitions): Repeat Monday weight training exercises.

Warm-up: Row at low intensity for 2 minutes.

Continuous rowing: Row for 30 minutes at 70% effort (20-22 strokes per minute).

Stretching: Repeat Monday stretches.

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