Target Body Weight from Target Body Fat Percentages
Use the formula below to determine the target body weight that corresponds to your target percent body fat.
Current percent body fat:Target percent body fat:
Example: 180-lb male,
Formula current percent body fat of 24%, goal of 21%
1. To determine the fat weight in your body, multiply your current 180 lb X 0.24 = 43.2 lb weight by percent body fat (determined through skinfold measurements and expressed as a decimal).
2. Subtract the fat weight from your current weight to get your 180 lb 43.2 lb = 136.8 lb current fat-free weight.
Target Body Weight from Target Body Fat Percentages Photo Gallery
3. Subtract your target percent body fat from 1 to get target 1 – 0.21 = 0.79 percent fat-free weight.
4. To get your target body weight, divide your fat-free weight by 136.8 lb 4 0.79 = 173 lb your target percent fat-free weight.
Note: You can express weight in either pounds or kilograms, as long as you use the unit of measurement consistently.
1. Current body weightX percent body fat= fat weight
2. Current body weight fat weight= fat-free weight
3. 1 target percent body fat= target percent fat-free weight
4. Fat-free weight4 target percent fat-free weight= target body weight
Setting a Goal
Based on these calculations and other factors (including heredity, individual preference, and current health status), select a target weight or range of weights for yourself.