As Well As Working Your Thighs And Lower Back, These Yoga Poses Will Perk Up Your Bottom


As well as working your thighs and lower back, these moves will perk up your bottom


Squeeze your glutes at the top of the move


Lower down until your thighs are parallel to the floor


Do one exercise three times (three sets) before moving onto the next move.

Rest one minute between each set.


Turn your feet out to 45 degs

Reps: 15

Benefits: Tones your inner thighs and lifts your bottom.

Stand with your feet wide apart, toes out, and the gym ball resting behind your back against the wall (A). OKeep pressure on the ball as you slowly bend your legs until you’re in a deep squat (B).

Squeeze your inner thighs as you reach the bottom of the move, then drive through your heels to stand back up. OSqueeze your glutes at the top, then go again.

As Well As Working Your Thighs And Lower Back, These Yoga Poses Will Perk Up Your Bottom Photo Gallery



Reps: 15

Benefits: Works your glutes, lower back and core, helping all the muscles work together.

Start by lying your upper body over a gym ball, resting your stomach on the ball and anchoring your toes on the floor to help stop the ball rolling (A).

Now, very slowly, lift your chest so your body forms a straight line. Pull your tummy button in and squeeze your glutes (B).

! O Lower your body back to the start position.

as well as working your thighs and lower back these yoga poes will perk up your bottom


Reps: 15

Benefits: Targets your hamstrings and glutes, but is great for strengthening your lower back muscles too. OLie on your back, hands by your sides and place both feet on top of your gym ball (A).

I O Raise your hips towards the ceiling as high as you can go and hold for a few seconds (B).

Lower your hips back down I to the floor slowly for a count = of three seconds.

as well as working your thighs and lower back these yoga poes will perk up your bottom1


Reps: 15

Benefits: Helps firm and define the backs of your legs and strengthen your glutes and lower back.

OLie on your back with your heels on your gym ball.

Lift your bottom off the floor (A) and drag the ball towards you while driving your hips up (B).

Hold for two seconds before pushing the ball back to the starting position.

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