Some people think the next phase of our evolution will involve expanding human consciousness. They’ve called this process noogenesis. It involves our intellectual, cultural and psychological development. But will noogenesis also be biological? You’ve said our spiritual development hinges on raising the vibrational quality of our awareness. I’m wondering if changes to our cognitive system will occur as we eliminate our species’ fear-based thinking and feeling, making noogenesis also biological. You commented that extra-terrestrial species have very different configurations, that in some their electromagnetic aspects dominate the electrophysical. Is this where humanity is headed? And will meditation help? Will meditation initiate our next evolutionary advance?


No one knows what the human species will evolve into. Emergent processes certainly remain active in the human species, as they do across the universe. It is possible that capabilities latent in the human species, which currently just a few people draw on—for which they are labelled strange, or worse—may one day be accessed universally. Then intuitive abilities like insight and telepathy could become the norm.

On the other hand, it is also possible that humanity will initiate a planetwide ecological catastrophe, as a consequence of which it will radically reduce its numbers, or even make itself extinct. Naturalists have observed that species which over-populate their ecological niches run out of resources and frequently die off. We’re not saying this will happen to humanity, or even that it is probable. But it is possible.

So, to address the question, while it often seems we denigrate the human brain and its cognitive capacity due to it being insufficient to access spiritual level expertise, it is also the case that the human brain possesses capacities which have not yet been tapped by the species as a whole. To that extent we not only answer, yes, the general concept of noogenesis is valid, we assert it is already under way.

Culturally, the development of the scientific method, and the resulting shift from mythological to rational explanations for what happens, has been to humanity’s advantage. However, traditional perspectives, expressed in myths and legends, were not then rendered invalid. Nor are they invalid now. The mythological and the scientific, when they are based in empirical observations and are not just fanciful tales passed on by one’s favorite aunt or professor, offer what are really just two different cultural perspectives on multi-dimensional reality.

Psychological evolution is another matter. In general, the scientific community resists the position that human psychology involves genetically inherited, socially conditioned and past life factors. Our view is that only when a reincarnational level is added will human psychological makeup be fully understood. Nonetheless, progress is being made, with a handful of researchers advancing human knowledge via depth psychology. Psychological understanding is a long way behind scientific understanding, because far fewer resources have been devoted to psychological research. Nonetheless, progress is taking place, to the extent that today psychological knowledge may be considered to be adding to human noogenesis.

As the question noted, overcoming fear is a crucial factor. Fear gives rise to senseless violence and prevents rational cooperation. It is also fuelling humanity’s greed, which is exploiting entire populations and decimating the planet. When greed and fear link up, as it does in the fear of missing out, the result is catastrophic. We would say that, as the human world currently functions, greed and fear are the two primary forces actively working against noogenesis. The passive contributor is ignorance, another facet of fear, which encourages people not to ask questions, not to address the reality of their life, and not to confront what is going poorly in the world. People fear finding out that things are much worse than they suspect, so they don’t look. Instead they do something much easier, which is to draw their own attention away from themselves and the world by projecting their fears onto others. Thus does ignorance fuelled by fear become the third major factor that is undermining human noogenesis.

The question was asked, what will happen once fear is eliminated from human functioning? If this happened—because we don’t know the future we aren’t saying it definitely will happen, we’re just going along here with the possibility that it could—then a reconfiguration of the human brain’s cognitive system would certainly result. Currently, human interactions involve old reptilian brain functions that evolved in prehistoric times, when human beings were regularly the prey of carnivores. At that time a fear trigger was needed to survive. Fear sparked a rush of adrenaline that resulted in the survival behaviours of fight or flight. If humanity as a whole eliminated fear from its psychological makeup, then their advanced mammalian brain would be unshackled from their old reptilian brain. Entirely new relationships could then be forged within the human brain’s cognitive system, including becoming much more open to input from the spiritual self. Then the everyday human mind would automatically involve not just physical, emotional and intellectual input, but also spiritual input. Clearly, this would be a major evolutionary advance.

Neurologists have observed that the human brain is underutilised. Overcoming fear would enable more of the brain’s capacity to be drawn on. Daily interactions tend to drag an individual’s awareness down into self-defensive, fear-based scenarios, and so keep it involved in the low-level, coarse energies that flow from the old brain. These coarse energies then flood the cognitive system, leaving fear as a dominant driver. In contrast, the kind of evolution we are proposing involves human beings utilising, on a daily basis, higher and subtler forms of communication. For this to occur awareness needs to energetically rise above the old brain’s instinctive drives. Once fears drop off, other parts of the brain can then come into play, the brain’s underutilised parts becoming active and its higher capacities engaged.

Related to this, biologists have noticed that human chromosomes contain much DNA that isn’t active. They have labelled this junk DNA. The label is unfortunate. It will be corrected over time. We note that genes don’t always activate automatically. Genes need to be switched on, just as they can also be switched off. Epigenetic factors, existing outside the genes, do much of the switching. These factors include environmental impacts and an individual’s sustained emotional states.

To take this whole concept a big step forwards, if humanity as a whole overcame fear, disconnected awareness from the old brain’s instinctive fear drivers, and as a result rewired its cognitive system, then genes that are currently inactive would become active and humanity would make a significant advance in its physical evolution. This involves emergent factors already present within human DNA, to which we referred earlier.

We observe that humanity’s DNA has been adjusted in the past. Most significantly, this occurred when the brain of homo sapiens was increased from the size it inherited from its smaller brained predecessors, homo habilis and so on. The adjustment was made so human beings could lead more cognitively and emotionally complex lives, enabling the spiritual identities who entered them to have comparatively richer life experiences.

There is nothing inherently wrong or unethical about genetic engineering. As we just observed, it has happened to humanity in the past, and it is currently practised throughout the universe. Human scientists are still in the early stages of understanding what is involved. A major stumbling block, currently inhibiting progress, is that scientists don’t appreciate the role the electromagnetic level plays in genetic engineering. When a foetus is in the womb, its cells not only multiply, but their growth conforms to an electromagnetic template. This template is part of the energetic envelope. The energetic template provides a pattern that directs the cells as they form the growing body. Cells respond to the template, with some becoming muscle cells, others nerve cells, others forming organs, and so on. As a result, when the new foetus starts growing, its cells follow the growth template provided by its energetic envelope.

Accordingly, when anyone engages in genetic engineering, it isn’t enough to just alter the genes. The energetic envelope also needs adjusting. If there is no adjustment on the energetic level, then the changes to the DNA will not be carried by progeny permanently. Scientists have discovered this in the case of fruit flies. They can engineer the genes, but the changes don’t hold across generations. The engineered flies’ descendents eventually revert back to the original preengineered bodily form. Innumerable non-human species understand this, and carry out sophisticated genetic engineering that permanently change a species. This includes many species that have engineered their own DNA.

Will human scientists one day engineer human DNA to facilitate the evolution of the human species? It is possible. Will spiritual identities effect changes to help humanity evolve? Not necessarily, but it is also possible. Everything hinges on whether human beings can take the crucial step of changing their culture and psychology. If humanity doesn’t do so, no significant evolutionary advance is possible.

The question was asked if meditation can help your evolution. It most definitely can. No matter what everyone around you is or is not doing, you can initiate your own noogenesis. It is entirely possible for you, during this life, to disconnect your cognitive system from its old brain fear-based instinctive behaviours. It is possible for you to change your own psychological make-up and behaviours. You can also change the cultural values you live by. You can take your own personal big evolutionary step. Meditation contributes to that in the many ways we have already discussed.

Of course, meditation is not the only activity that will help your personal noogenesis. What is also required is facing up to your fears, addressing your self-limiting behaviours, overcoming negative attitudes and emotions, and opening your mind to accommodate spiritual perspectives. Meditation is just one tool in your self-transformation kit. It may not even be the most useful tool. You need to discover for yourself, in the context of your life, how meditation best stimulates growth and what role it may usefully play in your self-transformation.

Will humanity eventually evolve to match what many other species throughout the multiverse have achieved? Specifically, will humanity evolve to a physical state in which their body is like fog suspended in the electrophysical? To answer this question, it is worth opening out the context.

Elsewhere we have said that each life is an experiment in consciousness. You set up the conditions for a life, select a body and culture, choose positive and negative character traits, decide who you will meet, then enter the body and live the life that results. You have a plan, but nothing is set in stone. All lives are an experiment. The elements are assembled then allowed to combine or repel one another in whichever ways they do.

In the same sense, the human species is an experiment. Life on this planet began with singlecelled amoeba. Various life forms then evolved, utilising the emergent factors embedded in biological life and, via some judicious genetic engineering, carried out by those who were trained to do so. Life eventually blossomed into the stunning varieties of flora and fauna that currently occupy ecological niches across the planet. In this sense, the human species is just one among innumerable life forms that exist here. It just happens that humanity possesses adaptive capabilities not available to other species, capabilities that have led to it becoming a dominant species.

The question is, will life on this planet keep evolving? In particular, will humanity evolve to a higher level? Another way of asking this is: will the human experiment in consciousness continue, or will it be terminated—most likely through self-extermination?

This is a key question. It is possible that humanity will evolve to a very different balance of the electrophysical, electromagnetic and electrospiritual than currently applies. But to do this human beings as a species need to make fundamental changes to the way they function on this planet. What adds urgency to answering this question is that the planet’s biosphere is reaching a tipping point. If nothing is changed soon, if the human species doesn’t learn to control its greed and fear and to cease hiding in ignorance, not just the human species, but the planet as a whole, is headed for a spectacular crash.

It may be that a radical self-adjustment of population, to a billion or fewer, would be advantageous to humanity and its continued evolution. That level of adjustment would certainly benefit the planet and every other species. With a radically smaller human population it may also become feasible to establish a less greedy, fear-driven culture. Optimally, this would be achieved in such a way that the current levels of knowledge and technology remain functional, enabling the human species to integrate science and spirituality and so continue evolving to a level potentially far beyond what humanity currently conceives.

We are aware that what we have just suggested resembles what has been written about in speculative science fiction. We do not know precisely what will happen. However, having learned what happened to other species on other planets, our suggestion is a scenario that would allow humanity to initiate its next major evolutionary advance. At this stage, it is no more than educated speculation on our part. We reiterate, something quite different could occur. But this is a feasible future possibility.

Everything starts with you and what you do now. We leave you with that thought. Think about it. Meditate on it. Share it with others. Until our next set of communications, we wish you well.

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