Yoga for Beginners How to do Tree Pose Jenna Raynell Yoga

Hi there Jen right now here today I’m going to be teaching you rickshaw sauna tree pose. So this is an awesome pose I do fairly frequently in my classes it helps you really learn how to balance on one leg it also builds a lot of strength and stability in your legs I can’t own your glutes you can tell them your legs. So let’s dive right into it please come to stand nice and tall in Tad Asana Mountain Pose. So you’re just standing with your feet about hip width distance apart you feel your feet rooting down to the ground the sides of your body nice and long shoulders relaxed neck relax muscles of your face nice and easy arms just relaxed down by your side close your eyes for a moment inhale through your nose exhale through your nose inhale exhale one more time exhale gently flutter open your eyes begin to shift your weight into your left leg so sending all of your weight into that leg feeling roots growing down into the ground right away setting up a firm foundation till the sides of your body start to grow along. And then gently hug your right knee into your chest give it a good squeeze.

Yoga for Beginners How to do Tree Pose Jenna Raynell Yoga Photo Gallery

And then release your left arm to your hips start to rotate your hip bone in your pelvis. So that you can open up your right knee to the side keeping your hips nice and even with one another your system isn’t reaching out to the side like that it’s nice and tucked under awesome. And then slowly release the sole of your foot either to your inner calf or you can be believed your toes on the ground as a little kickstand will support. And you can also bring the sole of your foot to your inner thigh so wherever your choose feel the sole of your foot press up against that leg. And then the bone of your leg pushing back. So It all kind of joins the midline to create this energy moving in opposite directions which actually creates a lot of stability awesome breathe here feel the sides of your body long little belly hugging in your core is engaged. And you can slowly bring your hands to print the center of your chest keep your upper body or lap shoulders nice and easy face nice and relaxed find a point in front of you to gaze at your Drishti your focal point. And then slowly, if you feel steady grow your branches to the sky keeping those shoulders relaxed roots turn and down into the ground one more deep breath in exhale your hands to prayer at the center of your body hug that knee into your chest. And then we sit down gently shake out your standing way I’d be built up a lot of energy in that leg please sit down stand tall Tad Asana Mountain Pose center yourself breathe and gently flutter with your eyes let’s do the other side so start to shift your weight into your right leg grow those roots down right away feeling a firm foundation sides of your body berlin wall.

And then gently hug your left knee into your chest, if that’s available to you. And then release your hand to your hip open up your left knee. And then when you’re ready release the sole of your foot to your inner calf again, if you do the kickstand action or you can bring it all the way up to your inner thigh feel your foot. And your bone pressing against one another breathing deeply wringing your hands to prayer at the center of your chest gazing at your Drishti when you feel stabilized you can start to grow your beautiful branches to the sky opening up to all the possibilities that await you today you’re grounded you’re rooted. And you’re calm cool collected one more deep breath in exhale your hands through the center line of your body Oh bent knee into your chest I’m really still gently shake out your standing leg and let’s stand back saw in Tad Asana center yourself with a few deep breaths awesome job today, if this was difficult don’t worry about it just try it again tomorrow you’ll get is a practice. So It’s going to take you some time balancing on one leg might be completely new to you so be gentle with yourself and give it another shot tomorrow the more you practice the stronger you will get it promised a wonderful day the leg-side any honors the light inside of you namaste.

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