Yoga for Beginners Strengthen your Back and Neck Muscles

Namaskar I’m David odde and welcome to an annual yoga for cervical spondylosis cervical spondylosis is caused. Because of degeneration in the cervical spine the symptoms are pain in the neck abnormal sensations or numbness in folders. And your arms. And also stiffness in the neck the set of yoga acids will help you to reduce the pain in the neck it’ll also help you to strengthen the neck muscles.

Yoga for Beginners Strengthen your Back and Neck Muscles Photo Gallery

And stop the growth of cervical spondylosis sulabha are the rich’ castle this is an easy Richie Kotzen pose to go in this position the lying down on the back bring the legs closer to each other keep the chin on the ground hands closer to your body now take the palms by the side of your chin in line of your chin and elbows closer to the body and on the ground now slowly raise the jib chest up slide the hands forward in such a way that the upper arms come up and equal to the ground lift the face up then slowly bend the legs and bring the heels closer to your body towards the buttocks close your eyes.

And enjoy this wonderful stretch which will help you to strengthen the back muscles the neck muscles and make them flexible as a big nerve, if you’re finding it difficult to maintain with the vendor leg then what you can do this have the movement of the legs wherein you drop the legs down and again slowly bend. So It’s easier to do this for about maintaining for just a second and again dropping it down so as a beginner you do this movement for some days. And then go into Vista Carson pose where you just maintain over here then to come out slowly drop the legs down sliding the hands back restriction on the ground and rest by taking the face on an event site and enjoyed the effect of this Assam on your back.

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