Yoga For Losing Love Handles

Dance is Always a Relevant Topic While you might find the occasional exception, and as with any topic you can be overzealous and overdo it, it’s been my experience that almost all adults fall into one of three categories: they know how to dance, they love watching dance, or they have always wanted to learn how to dance.

For that reason, dance can serve as an incredible fallback/icebreaker in almost any situation. It’s a magical topic that can be used to build familiarity and add uniqueness in the awkward early stage conversations that would otherwise fall back on boring narratives such as where did you study, where do you work, etc.

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Dance also has an unusual set of characteristics that allow it to be tailored as a topic to suit the needs and interests of the audience. If you’re engaged in a conversation with someone passionate about sports and physical considerations it is every bit as relevant as other topics and profiles. The history of a particular dance is of interest to the historian, the geographic origins or musical roots for the traveler or musician, and the cultural impact or romantic implications are all examples of how the topic of dance is versatile and has a compelling richness perfect for driving conversation.

Social Network

Life is about meeting people. Any successful socialite or business person is constantly looking for ways to meet the right type of people. Unlike bars, clubs, and other similar social settings, dance is all about meeting and interacting in a friendly and conversational setting. When you’re at a dance event, it’s about dancing and having fun first and foremost.

As a result, it’s actually much easier to meet business contacts or make valuable social connections because people typically don’t have their guard up. Now, make no mistakes, I’m not suggesting you go and push business cards or try and set up business meetings. But, dance is a wonderful place to meet people and to get to know them, to interact, and to expand your social circle. The dance scene also tends to attract people from more affluent backgrounds and with above average disposable income.

Just remember, above all else, when it comes to dancing being the best isn’t about skill. It’s about enjoying and enriching yourself, meeting people, and learning.

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