Yoga Poses For Sciatica During Pregnancy


It amazes me that this has been the preferred cleansing solution for babies and mommies alike. Such a clever combination of the prebiotic besan and probiotic milk! And since changes to the microbiome are also linked to pregnancy-specific discolouration of skin, pigmentation, cellulite and the like, this is such a non-toxic, chemical-free way to prevent that. Local solutions for global problems isi ko kehte hai.

Yoga Poses For Sciatica During Pregnancy Photo Gallery

Okay, so here we go:

Pregnancy Food Rules

Eat food that

• Is easy to cook and digest

• Hydrates and works as a natural antacid

• Provides easy-to-assimilate amino acids

• Is rich in micronutrients like iron, folic acid, calcium

Easy to Cook and Digest

This is probably the core of the food rules. Digestion slows down during pregnancy, and the process of cooking ensures that food is actually predigested even before you begin to chew it. And the whole point of eating is to get the rasa or the essence of food, the nutrients. It’s these nutrients which, once assimilated well, will nurture you and be passed on to your baby to nurture her as well.

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