What Is The Best Boxing Workout?

Cathy uses boxing and CBT to help empower her clients

Cathy Brown

The former boxing champion turned coach talks clients, motivational speeches and charity work i’m not a morning person but I make myself get up as soon as my alarm goes off and then eat breakfast, otherwise I’m extra grouchy. I have porridge or granola in the week and save eggs, avocado and salmon tor the weekend, when I have more time. Once I’m in my gym kit, I take a bus into work at London’s Third Space, Soho (thirdspace.london), and, on the way, write a social-media post or catch up on my emails. I spend the morning training clients, using strength and conditioning exercises including boxing and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT).

It’s a unique approach I developed after I was forced to retire from boxing earlier than I wanted due to a neck injury. I’d started boxing in 1998, after six years as a kickboxer, and became only the second British woman to receive a professional boxing licence. I fought tor 10 years, winning the English and European titles, and was ranked number three in the world. Having relied on the sport to get where run Boxology courses for some of the women, so when we leave they can carry on teaching, making a living and continuing the work within their communities.

What Is The Best Boxing Workout? Photo Gallery


‘Because I also teach eight boxing classes a week, I don’t have much time to prepare food, so I use Fresh Fitness Food, which delivers four small meals a day, Monday to Friday. It takes the pressure off as I know

I’m getting all the nutrients I need to power me through coaching sessions as well as work on Boxology (boxology.academy), an academy I co-founded with my husband, boxing coach Greg Williams. We offer industry approved courses for sports professionals who want to learn how to teach optimum boxing technique safely. Having written two Boxology books and designed an app with 250 technical boxing videos, I spend time planning, writing and filming content tor my next releases. I may take time out to do motivational speaking within companies, talking about what I’ve been through in lite and how I’ve turned things around ‘I became only the second British woman to receive a professional boxing licence.’

I found fighting helped me deal with issues I had around my adoption, such as feeling like I didn’t belong.’


‘Charity work is also an important focus: I’m working with The Lotus

‘Boxing is one of the best ways to help people deal with emotions’

Flower (thelotustlower. org), an amazing organisation that helps children and women in Iraq who have been abused and raped by ISIS. I’m going to Iraq for 10 days this year to teach boxing to these victims in the hope that it will inspire them with the confidence needed to talk about their ordeals. Boxing is one of the best ways to help deal with emotions and empower people to cope with them in a more positive way. We will also my own training around clients and classes as it keeps me physically and mentally strong. Dinner is later than I’d like as I don’t get home until 8pm or 9pm. But I take time to enjoy the meal, along with the odd glass of red wine. I also treat myself to a regular massage at home. Otherwise, if I’m not working on my speeches or Boxology admin, my husband and I will watch TV or plan our next trip. Japan is on my list, as is Greece. But my main focus is our mission to Iraq.’



‘Without a goal, you can’t create an effective plan. But make goals realistic.’


‘Quick results don’t last and you could end up worse than when you started.’


‘If you start something unsustainable, choose something different.’

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