In Ayurvedic and yogic wisdom, the morning hours of 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. are ruled by the Kapha dosha, or the energy of heaviness. No wonder we tend to feel sleepy and need that cup of coffee to get going! An energizing, invigorating, and faster paced practice is recommended in the morning, along with waking up as early as possible even before 6! The morning routines that follow often contain a vinyasa between sides. They are all energizing and clear your mental fog.
TIME: 15 to 30 minutes QUALITY: Energizing
This will wake up your mind and body and get you moving right out the door. Flow from one pose to the next with the rhythm of your breath like a moving meditation.
1 Tibetan Sun Salutation Pose with Warrior’s Breath, 5 to 8 rounds Basic Vinyasa
2 Downward-Facing Dog Pose, 3 breaths
3 Plank Pose, 3 breaths
4 Knees, Chest, Chin Pose, 1 breath
5 Baby Cobra Pose, 2 breaths
6 Downward-Facing Dog Pose
7 Crescent Moon Pose, right leg, 3 breaths
8 Stoke the Fire Pose
9 Repeat Basic Vinyasa
10 Crescent Moon, left leg, 3 breaths
11 Repeat Basic Vinyasa
12 Standing Forward Bend Pose, 3 breaths
13 Mountain Pose, 3 breaths
14 Triangle Pose, right side then left side, 3 breaths each side
15 Warrior II Pose, right side then left side, 3 breaths each side
16 Powerful Pose Pose, 3 breaths
17 Boat Pose, 3 breaths
18 Half Wheel Pose, 3 breaths
19 Supine Twist Pose, right side, then left side, 3 breaths each side
20 Supine Pigeon Pose
21 Deep Relaxation Pose, 3 minutes
22 Buddha’s Peaceful Abiding Meditation Pose, 3 minutes