Suspension Training Full Body Exercise Workout


Been avoiding suspension training at the gym? Don’t – the latest research proves that the portable bit of kit could be a super-effective way to boost your body. It develops power, total-body strength and core strength, plus burns calories. And it does this using just your bodyweight as resistance.Problem is, little scientific evidence backed these claims – until now! The American Council on Exercise and researchers from Western State Colorado University studied the cardiorespiratory, muscular, neuromotor and flexibility benefits of an eight-week TRX Suspension Training programme.

Sixteen healthy men and women. aged 21 -71 years old, did a 60-minute TRX class three times a week for two months. including TRX lunges. push-ups, pull-ups, chest presses, rows, squats, planks and curls. The participants’ one-repetition maximum (1RM) muscle strength, flexibility and muscular endurance were also tested.The results are reassuring. Exercisers burn an average of nearly 400 calories during each sweat session.

They downsized their waist circumference and body-fat percentage. Their blood pressure decreased and there was also a significant increase in their 1RM for the leg press, bench press, curl and push-up exercises.So, if you’ve been wondering what suspension training could do for your fitness. the answer is ’a lot’. Add it to your weekly workout regimen to start reaping some of these amazing rewards!

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Here’s one for fitness junkies – extended workouts are now a thing. From two hours of boxing to a weekend’s worth of dance, fitness events are on the rise. Sure, you can squeeze an effective workout into 15 minutes, but, when you love sweating, why not make a day of it? Here are a few events to look out for.

FIGHT KLUB THE DRUM & BASS WORKOUT: Love boxing? This tour from the popular Fight Klub vvorkout brings two hours of combat-style exercise to UK venues in Southampton, Essex, Manchester and Bristol. Book at fight

ZUMBATHON: A Zumbathon is a Zumba dance event that’s normally held for a good cause. Several instructors take the lead and it can last for three hours! Search for ğ special events on

B00M CYCLE URBAN TRI: London cycling studio, B00M, has teamed up with fitness event, Balance Festival, to hoşt a three-house session, with proceeds going to Project Waterfall. Dates are to be confirmed. Log onto to be in the know.


Climbing is on our radar right now. Last summer, it was added to the Tokyo 2020 Olympic schedule, and indoor climbing makes a great vvinter sport. Wondering how it works? Each climber at the Olympics will compete in three disciplines – lead climbing (done on a long route with a rope for protection), bouldering (done on overhanging routes with a crash mat) and, best of all, speed climbing (fastest to the top wins). Süper excited? Us too. And that’s why now is the prime time to give the activity a go. Indoor climbing is the perfect way to boost your body over the cooler months. It’s great for beginners because most centres provide kit and instruction. It’ll boost full-body strength, agility and cardio fitness. It’s a boon to your brain, as you focus on what hand or foothold to take next. Plus, it will prepare you for summer climbing. White Spider* is London’s newest (and biggest) climbing wall, boasting more than 380 climbing routes and 240 boulder problems. It’s the perfect place to get to grips with the sport! Visit to give it a go.

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