Yoga Exercises To Help Herniated Lumbar Disc Syndrome

Herniated lumbar discs are a common condition that can cause serious pain. If you have had one, the only answer is to find relief and avoid the pain by treating your herniated disk with yoga exercises. Even though exercise seems like a good solution, it’s important not to overdo it. Watch this video and learn 10 great yoga poses for herniated discs that will put you in proper alignment while relieving pain!

What is Herniated Lumbar Disc Syndrome?

Herniated lumbar disc syndrome is a condition in which a herniated disk occurs. A herniated disk is a soft, jelly-like mass that has slipped out of its surrounding vertebrae. The syndrome can be extremely debilitating and lead to paralysis or death if not treated quickly and effectively.

There are a few yoga exercises that can help to alleviate the symptoms of Herniated Lumbar Disc Syndrome. Increased flexibility, range of motion, and strength can all help to relieve pain and improve function.

If you are dealing with Herniated Lumbar Disc Syndrome, be sure to consult with your doctor or therapist to determine which exercises are right for you.

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Yoga Poses to Help with Herniated Lumbar Disc Syndrome

Yoga poses can help withherniated lumbar discs and other conditions that can cause back pain.

There are a variety of yoga poses that can help to improve your back health, including those that focus on the neck, shoulders, and hips. Poses that stretch the front of the body and open up the chest also help to reduce stress on the spine.

If you are suffering from herniated lumbar discs, some of the following yoga poses may be helpful for you. If you are unsure about which pose is best for you, ask a yoga instructor for help.

Pose 1: Child’s pose (Parsva Dandasana)

This pose is gentle and helps to stretch the entire body. Lie down on your back with your hands at your sides and your feet flat on the floor. Keep your spine long and relaxed as you slowly roll onto your left shoulder, then switch sides. This pose can be modified by placing a pillow or folded blanket under your head if you find it too hard to keep your head straight.

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Which Yoga Poses to Perform for Different Symptoms

When it comes to managing Herniated Lumbar Disc Syndrome (HLDS), it’s important to know the different yoga poses that can help with various symptoms. For example, if you’re experiencing pain and stiffness in your back, try using poses that stretch and open up your back muscles. Here are some of the best yoga poses for HLDS:

Pose 1: Downward Dog

This pose is great for stretching and opening your hips and lower back. It also tones your abdominal muscles.

Pose 2: Child’s pose

This pose is perfect for relieving tension in your neck, shoulders, and spine. It also strengthens your core muscles.

Pose 3: Cat-Cow

This pose helps to stretch the anterior (front) of your thigh and calf muscles while toning your spinal erectors. It’s also a great posture for relieving pressure on your cervical spine.

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The Benefits of Yoga for Herniated Lumbar Disc Syndrome

If you’re among the millions of Americans who suffer from a herniated lumbar disc, then you know that yoga can be an incredibly effective form of treatment. In this article, we’ll explore the many benefits of yoga for herniated lumbar discs, and discuss some of the specific exercises that can help relieve your pain.

Yoga has been shown to be an incredibly effective form of treatment for a wide range of issues, including chronic pain, anxiety, and stress. According to a study published in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, yogic stretching and breathing exercises can improve the health of the lumbar spine by reducing tension and inflammation in the surrounding muscles and tissues.

The following poses are some of the most beneficial exercises for relieving herniated lumbar disc syndrome:

Pigeon Pose: This is a basic pose that stretches the entire body from head to toe. Pigeon pose is especially helpful for relieving tension in the neck and upper back muscles.

Camel Pose: Camel pose is a deep-tissue stretch that targets the hamstrings, quadriceps, lower back muscles, and spine. It is also a good preparation for standing poses such as the Tree Pose and Chair Pose.

Cobbler’s Pose: One leg is lifted up in the air while the other leg stands on the floor. This pose stretches the quadriceps and hamstring muscles of both legs.A regular yoga routine can help to reduce stress, improve circulation, and strengthen muscle tone, which are all key factors increasing the health of your lumbar spine. These exercises can help you achieve healthy posture, increase flexibility and range of motion, relax tight muscles, and release tension in your body.For more information about lumbar disc problems and their treatment options, please contact us today!

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