Yoga for the Side Body: Yoga Sequences and Poses That Stretch The Side Body

This article discusses side body stretches, poses, and sequences which can help you develop your side body. Discover how to balance your practice to include these new poses into your routine!

Side Body Poses

There are many yoga poses that can be done to stretch the side body, and these sequences and poses can help improve flexibility in the side body. Side body poses can also help to increase strength in the oblique muscles, which can promote a well-rounded fitness program. Here are some yoga sequences and poses that stretch the side body:

1. Camel pose: Start in downward dog with your knees bent, your hands on your hips, and your head back. slowly lift your torso up so that you’re in camel pose. slowly lower yourself back down to the starting position. Repeat for desired amount of repetitions.

2. Dolphin pose: Start in downward dog with your knees bent, your palms flat on the floor next to your hips, and your head down. slowly lift your torso up so that you’re in dolphin pose. slowly lower yourself back down to the starting position. Repeat for desired amount of repetitions.

3. Bow pose: Start in downward dog with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor hip-width apart, shoulder-width apart, and chest open.

Yoga for the Side Body: Yoga Sequences and Poses That Stretch The Side Body Photo Gallery

What is the side body?

The side body is the area of your body that is not your front or back. This includes your hips, torso, and legs. Side body yoga can be a great way to stretch and strengthen this area of your body.
Here are some yoga sequences and poses that will stretch the side body:

Side Plank: Start in a side plank position with your feet hip-width apart, shoulders stacked over your wrists, and abdomen pulled in. Hold for 10-15 seconds.

Extended Side Angle Pose: From side plank, slowly lower one arm and leg out to the side until you’re in an extended side angle pose with your palms facing forward and feet hip-width apart. Hold for 10-15 seconds.

Cat-Cow: From extended side angle pose, slowly walk your hands forward until you reach Cat Cow pose with palms flat on the floor, shoulder blades lifted, and head bowed down. Hold for 5-10 seconds before slowly lowering back to starting position.

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How does yoga help with the side body?

There is a lot of debate on the effectiveness of yoga for the side body. Some people swear by its benefits, while others find it to be ineffective. However, there are many different types of yoga sequences and poses that can help stretch the side body. Below are a few examples.

1. Side Lunge: This pose stretches the side leg and calf muscles, as well as the hip flexors and glutes. You can do this pose with your left or right leg forward.

2. Triangle: This pose stretches the spine and hips, as well as the chest, shoulders, and triceps. To do this pose, sit with your legs bent in front of you so that your feet are touching each other. Lean your torso to the right, then reach your left hand up towards the ceiling. Hold for 30 seconds to 60 seconds before repeating on the other side.

3. Child’s Pose: This pose is great for relieving tension in the neck and back muscles, as well as opening up the chest and lungs. Lie down on your back with your palms flat on the floor next to your shoulders, then lift your head and shoulders off the floor so that your chest expands. Hold for up to five minutes.

4. Cat Pose: This intensely relaxing posture can help to relieve anxiety, insomnia, and depression. To do this pose, sit on the floor with your legs together, then place your palms flat on the floor next to your hips. Inhale and raise your spine up off the floor until you feel a stretch along your finger joints, then exhale completely as you slowly lower yourself down onto your knees. Hold for five minutes before repeating on the other side.

5. Cobbler’s Pose: This pose allows you to get a deep stretch in each hip area while also relieving tension in the shoulders and upper back region.

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Yoga for the side body

If you’re looking to stretch out the side body, you’ll want to try some of these yoga sequences and poses. Side body yoga can be a great way to work on your balance, coordination, and flexibility. Here are five yoga sequences for the side body that will help you get started:

1. Downward Dog with Reach: This pose is a great way to stretch out your hips and glutes. Start in downward dog with your palms flat on the ground next to your hips. then reach your right hand forward and place it on your left ankle, keeping your core tight. Hold for 10-15 breaths before repeating on the other side.

2. Child’s pose with reach: Child’s pose is a great way to loosen up your spine and open up your chest. To do this pose correctly, start in child’s pose with your palm flat on the floor next to your butt. Then reach behind you and grab onto one ankle with your other hand, keeping your shoulder blades pulled down toward the floor. Hold for 10-15 breaths before releasing and repeating on the other side.

3. Half moon: Half moon is a great pose to stretch out your backside and quads.

yoga for the side body yoga sequences and poses that stretch the side body


If you’re looking for a yoga routine that targets the side body, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we’ll introduce you to some of our favorite sequences and poses that will help stretch and tone your side body. Whether you’re new to yoga or just want to add more sequence and pose options to your practice, these stretches and poses are perfect for you. So get ready to start feeling the benefits of yoga on your side body!

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