Yoga poses quotes

These are my golden rules or, one might say, Yoga poses quotes mantras I live and work by. Not easy, but so rewarding. I hope you Yoga poses quotes enjoy this book as much as I have enjoyed sharing it with you. Always follow your heart and be true to your soul! How to Get on the Ball Before we get started with the exercises, I would like you to get to know your ball so you can ensure maximum benefits and enjoy a safe, effective workout you’ll love and want to keep practicing. How to Pick the Right Size Ball First, you’ll want to make sure that your ball is the proper size for your height. The general guideline is that when you are seated on top of the ball, your thighs should be parallel to the floor when your knees are bent at a right angle. This usually means if your height is less than 5’4 , use a 55-cm ball. Fully inflated, the ball should measure 21 inches from top to bottom.

Development of pre-hatha-yoga techniques

According to White: The Kiss of the Yogini (2003) there emerged out of the Siddha milieu a new branch or cult called the Yogini Kula. They claimed to be founded by the Siddha Matsyendra. Matsyendra became a legendary figure to whom many texts and tales are attributed. It is also claimed that Matsyendra wrote a text called Kaula-jnana-nirnaya. 304 Here Matsyendra described in poetic and symbolic forms innovative techniques which he related to the manipulation of chakras and Kundalini. We could call these techniques the early if not the earliest – hatha-yoga techniques.

According to White’s deciphering of its mystical texts, the yogini Kula discourse maintained that it was possible to force semen upward by utilising certain techniques. Their techniques consisted in the forceful channelling of subtle body fluids. For instance the yogini Kula would stand on his head for hours thereby reversing the dripping of nectar. Techniques like muscle locks (bandhas) and seals (mudras), which retained the nectar in the head, were also described by Matsyendra in mystical terms. Finally the technique of retaining the breath for a prolonged period – the kumbhaka of pranayama – was described as a powerful technique for manipulating and uniting energies in the subtle body. Assisted by vital breath (pranayama) the body fluids could be forced up the sushuma channel – a central energy channel of the subtle body. This would lead to a reversal of the death process of life and the rise of Kundalini.

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