If I Arrive a Little Early For Class, What Stretches or Exercises Should I do to Prepare my Body?

Preparing your body for a Pilates session begins with the mind. Use those extra few minutes to let go of tension, breathe, still your mind and feel your body so that you can be fully prepared, present and focused on your body for your session. There is nothing quite as powerful as the mind/body connection! It allows your body to tell you where or what you should stretch or strengthen.

If I Arrive a Little Early For Class, What Stretches or Exercises Should I do to Prepare my Body? Photo Gallery

If necessary, gently ease into the areas that feel like they’re in need of a little extra attention; common spots include the neck, shoulders, lower back, hip flexors, hamstrings and calves. After giving yourself a moment to focus, try rolling out the fascia in your feet (releasing lots of little “gremlins” to free up the hamstrings and lower back).

If your spine is healthy, I would also suggest adding a Half Roll-Down with slightly bent knees to mobilize the spine. Note that typically this articulation will be done within your class anyway, as would a hamstring and hip flexor stretch. The purpose of the Pilates system is to create balance in the body by addressing your particular needs—tweaking alignment within the right exercises and stretches to create harmony. During your session, the mind, body and spirit are addressed as a whole. Pilates gives you what your body is looking for—a full-body workout—and leaves you feeling completely stretched and worked. A body in balance, all in one regimen.

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